• Will And Allied Services
  • Online Customized Will
  • Offline Customized Will
  • Consultancy And Advisory
  • Vetting Of Will
  • Registry Of Will
  • Succession Certificate
  • Legal Heir Certificate

Will And Allied ServicesThough Making A Will is the most important component in Estate and Succession Planning, there are many ancillary and allied services which a person may require apart from the drafting of the will. The services when under one roof bring a sense of security and ease to the client. They are:

Online Customized Will: The client needs to fill the details online through our will making platform and a legally drafted customized will is ready for them.

Offline Customized Wil: For complicated wills or cases needing special attention, offline will is suggested . Though the entire consultation is done online, it is not through the form on our online platform. After taking complete details from the client, the will is drafted keeping all the legalities in mind.

Codicil: A codicil means an instrument made in relation to a Will and explaining about it alteration/ addition to its disposition. It is deemed as a part of the Will.

Consultancy and Advisory: Sometimes in certain cases of will making or Succession Planning, clients may require consultation from legal experts. We have a team of experienced consultants in house and expert consultants from all over the country empanelled with us to facilitate this.

Vetting of Will: Vetting is a process by which we carefully and critically examine the contents of the Will. In this process, enquiries of the facts have to be been done reasonably before checking the contents of the Will depending on case to case basis.

Registry of Will: Registry of Will is not mandatory in India but is recommendatory.

Probate: Probate means the copy of a will certified under the seal of a Court of competent jurisdiction with a grant of administration to the estate of the testator. A probate of will can be granted only to the executor appointed under a will.

Succession Certificate: A succession certificate is a document issued by a civil court to the legal heirs of a deceased person certifying a rightful person to be the successor of such deceased person.

Legal Heir Certificate: Legal Heir Certificate has various applications. From the transfer of property to claiming insurance, one needs to get a legal heir certificate.

Online Customized Will

Till only a couple of years ago, making a will online would sound like an impossible task. Succession Planning or Making of a Will has been considered a task which would always need the help of a lawyer or a CA who was much known to the family. Over the years things have changed. Let us first have a look at what has transformed which makes Online Will a much possible concept now:

Smaller families and almost nil inter linked assets/liabilities: There has been a major shift from the joint family structure to the nuclear family structure. The changing times have brought an era of joint families to almost an end. With this, the complicated joint family business structures had to be simplified. As the income of an individual got clearly demarcated, their control over their own assets and liabilities increased. This in turn led to a clear understanding of their future needs and their financial planning. The last leg of a complete financial planning is Succession Planning.

Lesser time to spare from working hours to make a will: Making a will from a lawyer requires multiple visits to the lawyer that too in working hours and at the convenience of the lawyer. Online will making has brought the luxury of being able to make the will at one’s own luxury, at their own place, at their preferable time. The team calls you at your convenience during the working hours.

Reservation in divulging all details to people commonly known to other family members: The fear that others in the family would come to know the contents of the will if the details were shared with other family lawyers or CAs also led to delays in making wills. In case of online will making, the lawyers do not know you in person. Also, the data privacy policy followed by our company takes care of non sharing of information provided.

For the COVID situations: The COVID times has made the making of will all the more important. It is also important for pandemic and other unforeseen disaster. Uncertainties surround everybody at all times. It is our prime responsibility at this juncture to protect the future of our family. As much as having a succession plan is important, staying safe, indoors and maintaining social distancing is also important. Online will making has brought this luxury at your doorstep. We need not move out to make our will.

The will even though is online, is still completely secure and customized: Online will making utility on https://managemysavings.com/ is a perfect confluence of being convenient, affordable, appropriate and secure. Though the details are taken online, the details are scrutinized and checked by a lawyer. The vetting and customization are then taken care of by a legal expert.

Simple Steps For Making Your Online Customized Will:

Register: Register: Register yourself using the link https://managemysavings.com/ on our website. For any clarifications or assistance please do connect to our Customer Care Executive at 9058 54210. You may also mail your queries to info@managemysavings.com. Live chat is functional on our website from 10:30 am to 7:00 pm on weekdays.

Pay: The next step is the payment. The payment for online will needs to be made in advance as the utility shall be open for usage only after payment. The payment procedure is smooth and hassle free.

Complete the Details: You will then need to fill in all the details in the utility which will be accessible through your dashboard. After completion of the details, the data shall be collated and a lawyer shall contact you for any assistance required for making your will. Your will shall then be drafted and sent to you for approval.

Get Your Will: Your will is now ready to be signed by you.

Offline Customized Will

At DiLSEWiLL we have tried to include all possible options which may be needed to make a will in the Online Customized Will itself. But, there are some cases where in online will may not be a suitable option. Here Offline Customized Will does not mean that there will be a need to visit lawyers physically. This only means that the information can be given to us over a mail, consultancy can be taken and our team shall coordinate at every step with the client to make a customized will for them.

Some cases which are apt for Offline Customized Will are enlisted below:

  • Some clients are less tech savvy. They are not comfortable using the dashboard and utility. They can communicate with us through mail.
  • Few may need some assistance in taking decisions in making their will.
  • Wills with special clauses
  • Wills with Testamentary Trust Clause.

Steps For Making An Offline Customized Will:

  • Connect with Us:Please do connect to our Customer Care Executive at 9058 54210. You may also mail your queries to info@managemysavings.com. Live chat is functional on our website from 10:30 am to 7:00 pm on weekdays.
  • Pay Online:Make your payment online.
  • Send Details:Post receiving the payment, our team shall send you the excel for collating the data. Fill in all the details and send it back to us.
  • Get you will:After receiving all the details, our legal team shall start working on the same. Your will shall be prepared and sent to you for approval. Post approval the final copy shall be sent to you.

Codicil is an appended document in relation to a Will. A codicil means an instrument made in relation to a Will and explaining about it alteration/ addition to its disposition. It is deemed as a part of the Will. The law applicable to Wills is also applicable to Codicil. Likewise Will, codicil is revocable in its nature during the life time of the maker of the Will/ Testator/ Testatrix.

Codicil is also known as amendment of Will. Existing Will & Codicil both have to be kept/ stored together. Codicil is completely a separate document by which the Testator/ Testatrix (maker of the Will) can add/ change/ replace/amend/ delete (as the case may be) the relevant portions of the existing Will & it is deemed to be considered as the extension of Will. Since Codicil is an instrument made in relation to a will, explaining, altering or adding to its dispositions, and shall be deemed to form part of the will.

In the present day world, Will making is not only for the over 60-65 yrs age bracket. Will making is essential for anyone who has an earning, savings, bank accounts and of course dependants. Will making in India should start as early as 35yrs of age. In the present Covid scenario, with increasing uncertainties of life all around, this is no more a choice, it is a necessity. After a will is made, life takes us through a series of events like additions to wealth, changes in relationship status, additions to family, losses in the family, development of new hobbies, interests in philanthropic activities and the like.

Such changes in life events also require changes in the will. Legally there is no need to change the entire will if there are small changes which do not change the will significantly. This can be done through a document called the Codicil. It is highly recommended that a will be revisited at least once every three years.

Codicil is the easiest way for making any subsequent changes to the current Will. If the numbers of changes are many and more complicated then codicil might lead to confusion, ambiguity and vagueness.

We recommend making fresh new Will in lieu of making number of complicated amendments/ codicils. Making new Will is much simpler than making several subsequent changes under codicil. In this case the Testator/ Testatrix should mention the statement regarding the revocation of all previous Will & codicils.

How To Make A Valid Codicil?

  • Codicil will become legally valid when Testator/ Testatrix puts his/ her signature on the codicil in the presence of at least two witnesses.
  • Codicil cannot be kept away from the existing Will as it is the part of the existing Will.
  • The language of the codicil & the current existing Will have to be same.
  • Codicil has to be registered if the current Will is also registered otherwise the directives/ changes under codicil shall not come into effect.

At DiLSEWiLL, we make the codicil for you even if you have not made the will with us. In case you have made the will with us, we recommend you should revisit the will every three years or with any change in the above mentioned circumstances, whichever is earlier.

Just a few easy steps and your codicil will be made :

  • Connect with Us: Please do connect to our Customer Care Executive at 9058 54210. You may also mail your queries to info@managemysavings.com. Live chat is functional on our website from 10:30 am to 7:00 pm on weekdays.
  • Pay Online: Make your payment online.
  • Send Details: Post receiving the payment, our team shall connect to get the changes with all the required details.
  • Get your Codicil: After receiving all the details, our legal team shall start working on the same. Your codicil shall be prepared and sent to you for approval. Post approval the final copy shall be sent to you.

Sometimes prior to will making or Succession Planning, clients may require consultation from legal experts. We have a team of experienced consultants in house and expert consultants from all over the country empanelled with us .We can fix up this consultation for you with a consultant according to the need of the case. The consultant need not be from the same city as yours .This service shall be arranged online to ease geographical limitations.

There may be numerous cases where a person should consider taking a consultancy before they decide on their Succession Planning. Some of them may be :

  • When one has shares of an HUF where there are a number of coparceners and members
  • When one is going to bequeath inherited property which is still in dispute
  • There are a number of liabilities
  • The wealth is huge and proper segregation of immovable properties for the heirs does not seem possible
  • Beneficiaries are different from legal heirs
  • One or more legal heirs are to be declared as non beneficiaries
  • Testamentary trust is to be created and it has a lot of clauses to be included

Few Simple Steps And You Can Get The Consultancy At The Comfort Of Your Home:

  • Please do connect to our Customer Care Executive at 9058 54210. You may also mail your queries to info@managemysavings.com. Live chat is functional on our website from 10:30 am to 7:00 pm on weekdays.
  • After having a word you will need to send us your query. After going through the query, the team will suggest the time required, the kind of lawyer and the quotation for the same.
  • After approval of the quotation, a mutual time will be decided along with the mode of consultancy(written, telephonic, Skype/zoom etc)
  • The charges for the consultation have to be deposited in advance.
  • Take the consultation at the stipulated time.

Vetting is a process by which we carefully and critically examine the contents of the Will. In this process, enquiries of the facts have to be been done reasonably before checking the contents of the Will depending on case to case basis. It is a process of reviewing the background and accordingly giving ones views on the same.

Following cases may require vetting:

  • The will is has been made a long time ago
  • The same has not been made by a proficient lawyer. This means, it has either been made by a layman or with the help of available suggestions on the internet.
  • The will has certain properties which are in dispute.
  • Beneficiaries are different from legal heirs
  • One or more legal heirs are to be declared as non beneficiaries
  • The will contains unusual conditional bequeaths.
  • The will contains unusual contingency clauses.

Vetting does not include drafting of the changes to be made in the existing will. This vetting will be done by our expert Legal Team. We do vetting of all types of will.

Few simple steps and you can get the consultancy at the comfort of your home:

  • Please do connect to our Customer Care Executive at 9058 54210. You may also mail your queries to info@managemysavings.com. Live chat is functional on our website from 10:30 am to 7:00 pm on weekdays.
  • A quotation shall be emailed to you.
  • After approval of the quotation, the agreed charges will need to be deposited by you.
  • The document to be vetted will need to be scanned and sent to us .
  • Our Legal team will approach you for the queries and after satisfactory inputs, the document shall be vetted and a report shall be sent to you.

Registry of a Will is not compulsory in India. A non registered will having all the characteristics of a legal will is as much valid as a registered will.

Why Register your Will?

  • The genuineness of the will becomes clearly and strongly evident
  • The non tampering of the will can be proved easily as one copy is with the registrar.Even if the Testators copy is lost or stolen, the same can be retrieved from the Registrar.
  • Even if the Testators copy is lost or stolen, the same can be retrieved from the Registrar.

Cases Where Registration Of Will Is Recommended:

  • Where the will contains a number of immovable properties
  • The will contains inherited property which was with the joint family and is still under litigation
  • There are beneficiaries other than the legal heirs
  • Legal heirs have been made non beneficiaries
  • There is uneven distribution of assets amongst the beneficiaries
  • Liabilities have been unevenly distributed amongst the beneficiaries
  • The will in question is of a person who is ailing with any kind of disease, mental or physical.

The Registration Of Will Can Be Done Two Ways:

  • Commission Registry : When the Registrar visits your place for the registration.
  • Registry at Registrar office: When the concerned person along with the witnesses visits the Registrar Office.

Your Prerequisites Before Deciding On The Date Of The Registry:

  • The testator and both the witnesses along with the identifier need to be present on the day before the registrar
  • The Testators Self attested photocopies of PAN, AADHAR Card and Passport size color photographs(5 nos).
  • Self attested photocopy of AADHAR Card of Identifier

Few Simple Steps And You Can Get The Registry Of The Will Done :

  • Please do connect to our Customer Care Executive at 9058 54210. You may also mail your queries to info@managemysavings.com. Live chat is functional on our website from 10:30 am to 7:00 pm on weekdays.
  • A quotation shall be emailed to you after taking all necessary information from your end
  • After approval of the quotation, the agreed charges will need to be deposited by you.
  • A hassle free registry shall be coordinated and carried out by our efficient team.

Probate means the copy of a will certified under the seal of a Court of competent jurisdiction with a grant of administration to the estate of the testator. Under the Indian Succession Act, a probate of will can be granted only to the executor appointed under a will. If the executor not available to administer the estate, an application must be made. The application has to be made for appointing the same by the court before applying for probate. A probate of will is a must when the will is for immovable assets in Mumbai, Kolkata or Chennai. Further, a probate is essential if the Will is for immovable assets in multiple states.

Importance Of A Probate

It has been established that a probate legalizes a will or the executor of the will to transfer the properties in the names of individuals to whom the property is bequeathed.

However, there are reasons as to why a probate might become crucial.

Probate is issued for a will or any codicil attached, by persons of Indian Hindu, Parsis, Buddhists, Sikhs or Jains, primarily in the cities of Chennai, Kolkata and Mumbai.

In case the will made outside these territories, but for assets situated inside, it would still require a Probate. A probate is completely different from the Letter of Administration.

Application Of Probate Of Will

The probates are granted to the executor or executors (in succession, in case more than one is named), by the High Court, with a copy of the will attached.

One can apply for a probate after seven days of the death of the Testator. (or the person who makes the will and also the owner of the property to be distributed).

The application for probate, need to make with the help of a lawyer or an advocate, to the High Court, under whose jurisdiction the property might fall. Although a lower court may empowered to supply a probate for immovable properties of a small value, a probate from a higher court thus required for high-value immovable assets.

Documents Required For Probate

While submitting a probate application, Certain documents are thus needed to submit which proves that:

a. The will is genuine and the last will made by the testator.

b. The proof of death of the testator.

c. That the will validly executed in clear conscience of the testator.

Grant Of Probate

Once the application is submitted, it will be verified by the authorities and letters (notifications) sent out to the nearest kin of the deceased, intimating them of the issue of probate. A general notice is published for the public to view, and giving an opportunity for raising any objections to the grant of probate.

Probate of will issued if no objections are received from any kin or any general public, and done after the court fees are paid. The court fees depend upon the value of the immovable assets.

A probate, though it takes time to obtain and may cost a tiny percentage of the inheritance (court fees + the lawyer’s fees), is essential, if there are multiple assets to handle, and those immovable properties are present in various states. Also, a probate is a completely fool-proof way of the handling such a matter and imperative when high-value properties are being dealt with.


After receiving the petition for a probate, the court issues a notice to the next of kin of the deceased to file objections, if any, to the granting of the probate. It also directs the publication of a citation on board to notify the general public.

Common Reasons Probate Is Necessary

If There Was No Will, Probate Is Necessary

If there was no will, probate is necessary. Probate helps to determine the beneficiaries and to distribute the decedent’s assets and title to property.

A Valid Will Exists.

In order for the assets of an estate (excluding some smaller estates) to properly distributed to the named beneficiaries. A valid will must go through probate.

Probate Of Will Necessary When There Are Problems With An Existing Will.

Some of these issues may include: the submitted will is not the final version toe considered; there are mistakes in the will or it was fraudulently executed; the will then drafted was at a time when the testator was not of sound mind; or any other challenges to the integrity of the will.

Probate Of Will Required When An Estate’s Assets Are Solely In The Deceased’s Name.

In most cases, if the deceased owned property that had no other names attached, an estate must go through probate in order to transfer the property into the name(s) of any beneficiaries.

When There Are No Beneficiaries Named Or They Have Predeceased The Decedent, Probate Is Necessary.

This situation applies to any retirement or savings accounts such as IRA or life insurance policies that would pay out to beneficiaries. If beneficiaries are not named or are all predeceased, probate will be required in order to transfer funds or titles into beneficiaries names.

Few Simple Steps And You Can Get The Probate Of The Will Done :

  • Please do connect to our Customer Care Executive at 9058 54210. You may also mail your queries to info@managemysavings.com. Live chat is functional on our website from 10:30 am to 7:00 pm on weekdays.
  • A quotation shall be emailed to you after taking all necessary information from your end
  • After approval of the quotation, the agreed charges will need to be deposited by you.
  • The procedure for probate will then be initiated.

A succession certificate is a document issued by a civil court to the legal heirs of a deceased person certifying a rightful person to be the successor of such deceased person. This certificate authorizes the successor to realize the debts and securities of the deceased person. Its main objective is to facilitate the collection of debts on succession and offer protection to the parties paying debts to the representatives of the deceased person. This certificate cannot be obtained for the inheritance of immovable property.

A succession certificate can be obtained in cases where:

  • Probate or letters of administration are not required,
  • When deceased is a Christian,
  • Deceased is a Mohammaden,
  • When a deceased is a Hindu who has left a Will; however, the probate is not compulsory under the applicable law,
  • In case of a joint family property under Hindu Law.

Place And Procedure For Application

An application for grant of the succession certificate should be made before the district judge within whose jurisdiction the deceased person ordinarily resided at the time of his death or in case the deceased person had no fixed place of residence then this application can be made before the district judge within whose jurisdiction any part of the property of the deceased person is found.

A person of sound mind, not being a minor and having an interest in the estate of the deceased can make this application. The interest may be in the form of a widow of the deceased, a person having a beneficial interest in the debt of the security etc.

A succession certificate can be granted to a minor through a guardian.

The petition should contain the following details:

  • Time of death of the deceased;
  • Residence or details of properties of the deceased at the time of death under which Judge the jurisdiction falls under;
  • Details of family or other near relatives;
  • Rights of the petitioner;
  • Absence of any impediment to the grant of a certificate;
  • Copy of the death certificate
  • Debts and securities in respect of which the certificate is applied for.

The court, after examining the petition, issues a notice to all concerned parties and specifies a time frame within which any person who has objections may raise them. If no one contests the notice and the court is satisfied, it passes an order to issue a succession certificate to the applicant.

If there is more than one petitioner, then the court may jointly grant them a certificate but it will not grant more than one certificate for a single asset.

When the district judge grants a succession certificate, he shall specify the debts and securities set forth in the application for the certificate, and may thereby empower the person to whom the certificate is granted (i) to receive interest or dividends on the securities; or (ii) to negotiate or transfer the securities; or (iii) both to receive interest or dividends or negotiate or transfer the securities.

The Court levies a percentage of the value of the estate as its fees (as prescribed under the Court-Fees Act, 1870) which has to be paid in the form of judicial stamp papers. This court fee may vary from State to State in India.

Effects Of Succession Certificate

The holder of the certificate has the right to :

  • Claim over the property and assets of the deceased person.
  • Represent the deceased in collecting debts and securities due to the deceased or payable in his/her name.
  • Inherit the debts and other liabilities of the deceased person.

Some General But Important Points To Note About Succession Certificate

  • It can be granted even if there is a nomination in the accounts, insurance etc. as the nominee only acts as a trustee to the actual legal heirs of the deceased person.
  • It can also be revoked/cancelled under certain specific situations such as a fraud, defective proceedings, where the certificate becomes useless due to circumstances etc.
  • A legal heir certificate is not a substitution for the Succession Certificate.
  • It is not granted for immovable property.
  • It can be extended, amended in accordance with the applicable law.

How to get your Succession Certificate through DiLSEWiLL-

  • Please do connect to our Customer Care Executive at 9058 54210. You may also mail your queries to info@managemysavings.com. Live chat is functional on our website from 10:30 am to 7:00 pm on weekdays.
  • A quotation shall be emailed to you after taking all necessary information from your end
  • After approval of the quotation, the agreed charges will need to be deposited by you.
  • The procedure for obtaining the Succession Certificate will then be initiated.

Legal Heir Certificate has various applications. From the transfer of property to claiming insurance, one needs to get a legal heir certificate.

Who Is A Legal Heir?

A legal heir, in simple terms, is a surviving family member but under Indian laws, the following are considered to be a legal heir:

  • Spouse of the deceased
  • Daughter of the deceased
  • Son of the deceased
  • Father of the deceased
  • Mother of the deceased

Legal Heir Certificate can be used for,

  • Claims for insurance
  • Claims for pension, retirement schemes, etc.
  • Claims for any Central or State Government schemes
  • Get employment on the basis of compassionate appointments
  • Transfer of assets

Who Can Apply For A Legal Heir Certificate?

Any legal heir can apply for a legal heir certificate. Any interested legal heir can do so by filing an application before the Municipal Corporation or before the Tehsildar. Such an application must contain the names and details of all the legal heirs of the deceased.

Document Required To Get A Legal Heir Certificate:

As mentioned above there are certain documents that need to be attached to the application form. These are

  • A notarized Affidavit.
  • Identity Proof of the Applicant
  • Death Certificate of the deceased in original
  • Address proof of the deceased
  • Proof of birth and date of birth of all legal heirs
  • Letter from the Govt. Department of the deceased employee to obtain Legal Heir Certificate from DC office
  • Proof of residence of all legal heirs

How To Get Your Legal Heir Certificate Through DiLSEWiLL-

  • Please do connect to our Customer Care Executive at 9058 54210. You may also mail your queries to info@managemysavings.com Live chat is functional on our website from 10:30 am to 7:00 pm on weekdays.
  • A quotation shall be emailed to you after taking all necessary information from your end
  • After approval of the quotation, the agreed charges will need to be deposited by you.
  • The procedure for obtaining the Legal Heir Certificate will then be initiated.

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